hmmm..aku suka bkk website yahoo-shine. bcoz byk artikel2 menarik yg boleh dijadikan tips and guide utk kehidupan seharian. so came across this article : parents who hate parenting : the latest trend? and mcm terasa la pulak dgn title artikel tuhh..uwaaaa!!
i bet sume working mothers that always juggling with their careers and family will find this situation common sometimes when everything seems like stuck up and 24-hrs a day is not enough to do all those routine and get enough rest at the end of the day..sape2 yg ada maid mungkin terkecuali by the way.
mmg ye..harus diakui parenting mmg meletihkan lg2 kalo ank kecik dh 2 ke 3 ke at least kn. dan biasanya kaum ibu 60-70% akan menggalas tanggungjawab parenting tersebut compare to kaum bapa. blm msk lg bab2 houseworks yg hr2 sentiasa ada je sampaikan sibuk jg ank2 n suami, diri sndiri pn x terurus. agak jeles la jugak bila kaum bapa boleh je kluar main bola dgn member2, lepak2 kedai mamak sbg contoh, tp kaum ibu pulak bz manjang dekat rumah. nk kluar dgn girlfriends pn xde masa. nk pi facial ke spa jauh sekali. mcm tula yg dirasakn skali skala bila dh terkena hasutan setan. buat apa pun dh x ikhlas...astaghfirullahalazim.
walaupn en.hubby ringan tulang kalo mintak tolong sama2 share the housework and parenting duties, tp sebagai insan biasa kdg2 tu mmg terasa nk escape sekejap dr routine parenting (bukannya benci tp penat, letih dan yg penting nk rehat yg secukupnya..). may i myself can practice these tips and benefit from it..who knows, right??
- Give yourself a break—you don't need to be so hard on yourself.
- Just say no! What are your real priorities?
- Take time to write it down. Journaling will bring clarity to your life. ( sbg cth:..blogging..hehe)
- Slow down and savor living in the moment.
- Plug into your kids so you can really connect with them.
- Don't forget about your husband—intimacy is life-affirming!
- Reach out beyond your family. It will enrich everyone.
- Make your physical and mental health a priority.
- Is more always better? Simplify everything.
- Be a little selfish—you deserve it, and it will make you a better mother.
credit to article: Parents who hate parenting : the latest trend? by Lylah M.Alphonse on Yahoo - Shine this article sedikit sebanyak dpt membantu ibu2 di luar sana improve parenting skill masing2