
May we never let things we can't have or don't have or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. For one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be HAPPY without the things we can't or shouldn't have...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sweet Escape 2011 - Part 1

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...The day finally arrived. Esok, insyaAllah akan terbang ke Medan, Indonesia dengan my beloved family and in-laws. Tersangat lama dah tiket RM5.00 -AirAsia Promo ni ditempah sampaikan dh xde feeling apa2 pn about this getaway. Biasa of coz la kalo nk pi jalan2 mesti rasa excited kn, tp x tau kenapa i don't feel anything. I even feel like not going at the very last minute. 

Since i'm a late decision maker dan suka let things go with the flow, so at last decided pergi jelah sbb dh x leh cancel dh pon, tersgt last minit dh. Reasons are : 
- bkn senang nk dpt tiket murah camtu and boleh bwk all my loveliess together
- pergi ramai-ramai dgn in-laws so meriah la sket
- nk tunaikan niat nk bwk Aqil n Ashif sbb last time pi Indon bwk kakak je
- thn dpn n seterusnya mungkin xde can dh nk bwk semua jln jauh2 sbb kena cut cost since nk kena kumpul duit, Aqil dh nk msk Drjh 1 thn 2013 nnt

Tapi kadang2 risau gak sbb i dont know why i feel nothing. Sekejap mcm excited sekejap rs macam biasa2 je. Risau sbb, biasanya kalau this kind of feelings melanda, I can always smell something isn't right in the future...nauzubillah. Chewahh. Macam ada sixth sense plak ye. Sebenarnya ada beberapa halangan seblm ni yang buat x excited tu :-

- ms 1st week nk buat passport Aqil n Ashif, system JIM downed for 2 days, SAbtu dan Ahad which is the only days that kitaorg free
- the next Sat pergi, system ok tp no. giliran pulak hbs sampai my other half decided x pyh pergi ( sbb tgh marah ms tu). Tp berjaya pujuk, pergi hari Ahad keesokannye...last try and alhamdulillah dpt buat jgk.
- Kos transport + hotel utk kitaorg satu family yg lebih drpd di-budget kan. Tu blm masuk mkn minum utk kitaorng kat sana, aiport tax, tips sume lg and plus nk shopping2 lg. Alhamdulillah dpt quotation dr satu travel agent yg within budget.
- Kakak tgh peksa akhir thn, w/pn dlm jadual peksa, the date should be free from exams tp ulangkaji nnt mcm mane..huhu. RISAU...RISAU! 

So, kesemua tu mmg kill all those nice feeling I should be having bila time2 mcm ni kn. Walau mcm mana pon, semoga perjalanan kami ke sana, sepanjang berada di sana dan perjalanan pulang dipermudahkan dan sentiasa dilindungi oleh Allah S.W.T. dan semoga pulang ke M'sia nnt with good memories of Medan...amin ya rabbal alamin. Mungkin dh tiba sana nnt br excited....insyaAllah.

p/s : To date, I still have not pack our luggage!!

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