
May we never let things we can't have or don't have or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. For one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be HAPPY without the things we can't or shouldn't have...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Guilty pleasure : Maxi skirts hunting

Masih post pasal maxi skirts. Since keinginan menambah koleksi maxi skirts tiba-tiba membuak-buak lepas meng-google imej maxi skirts yang cantik-cantik, I went window shopping. Bukan jauh pon, depan PC je..hehe. Sekarang kan dunia teknologi, semua di hujung jari je so nak shopping pon tak payah susah-susah dah nak menapak ke shopping je. Google lagi untuk cari segenap pelosok Malaysia ni segala blogshop or online store yang ada jual maxi skirts ni.

Unfortunately, memang jumpa yang berkenan di hati dan affordable, sayangnye semuanya kena pre-order, tak pun custom made macam one of my FB friends nihh, DalzButtonCraft. This means u have to pay full amount terus but have to wait for the items to arrive in 2-3 weeks time which is not so suitable for someone like me yang tahap kesabaran agak rendah. Bila dah sampai agaknye, nak pakai pon dah takde nafsu dah. What I learned from my window shopping tu pun agak mengecewakan jugak as I could only find the best design in town from overseas online store such as Though the shipment is worldwide, you still have to wait at least a week for the items to arrive. 

Bagaikan orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal, on Wednesday, my other half ada game futsal dekat USJ, supposed to start at 9.00pm. Since we are enjoying our "honeymoon" phase right now, en. somi pon ajak le pegi Sunway Pyramid sementara nak tunggu pukul 9.00pm tu, tak payah nak balik rumah dulu. I was jumping to my joy la!! Boleh survey pulak dekat Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Niichi or Forever 21 since from my google-ing experince, those shops pon ada buat design maxi skirts ni. 

Disebabkan limited time plus nak isi perut lagi, sempat menyinggah Niichi, Forever 21, Voir, JASPAL and Kitschen and also Rest n Relax je. Daripada semua kedai tu, I managed to find what I was looking for which is pleated maxi skirts dekat JASPAL and Kitschen je. Quality dua-dua ok tapi appearance, skirt @JASPAL nampak lebih cantik and elegant.

Finally, I "rembat" this one. Susah jugak nak decide mula-mula tu sebab ada tiga colours : black, navy blue and emeral green. Tiga-tiga colours sangat menawan hati even black yang sudah tersangat biasa pun, tapi disebabkan design yang elegant menampakkan hitam tu pn sangat cantik. Inilah dipanggil "guilty pleasure". Memang pleasure dapat shopping something yang memang kita nak sangat tapi at the same time rasa guilty plak duit dah licin dalam bank...huhu!! Belasah lah, dah berzaman pun tak shopping dekat butik macam ni sampai dah lupa when was the last time.

p/s : teringin nk beli kaler emerald green plak:)

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