
May we never let things we can't have or don't have or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. For one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be HAPPY without the things we can't or shouldn't have...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Back to reality vs missing the kids


Back to reality now after 5 days of heavenly break from everyday same-old-routine that is not going to end any sooner...#boredtodeath.

Leaving the kids behind in the trustful hands of their atoks will always be a nightmare for me. Need to be stronger and keras hati because this will be our annual routine for some more years to come. Ashif was the one whose eager enough to follow us back walaupun dah banyak kali explain tak boleh ikut, kena tinggal dengan tok sebab abang dengan kakak pon tak ikut. Siap kemas mainan lagi sebab nak ikut tapi bila sampai airport, belikan air ribena dengan coklat terus je takde masalah nak say by-bye kat ummi and abah...apa laaaa!!!

Tapi belum sempat ummi dengan abah berlepas, dah sibuk calling calling 3 beradik tu :) And this morning, while waiting for my turn in UMMC, my lil' cobok telefon lagi :) His voice melts my heart away and a very tearful me just couldn't bear it anymore, I had to give the phone to my other half. Selalunya, kakak lah yang jadi mangsa Ashif sebab kakak je yang tau dial nombor ummi dengan abah. And then, masa lunch tadi Ashif called for the 2nd time hanya semata-mata nak tanye ummi buat apa, makan apa, and nak cerita dia baru je mandi tapi belum berus gigi lagi sebab berus gigi dalam bilik air lagi satu, tak boleh nak masuk sebab poksu ada...hihi.

"Ummi, hari ni ummi naik apa pulak?" - *blur jap. lepas tu baru teringat malam tadi dia called masa nak boarding flight, dia ada tanya, ummi tengah buat apa and ummi jawab tengah tunggu nak naik kapal terbang*

"Ummi sakit ke sebab baby dah nak keluar?" -bila cakap ummi dekat klinik pagi tadi

"Abah ada 100 ringgit tak? Ashif nak beli eskrem banyak-banyak!" - ingat nak beli ultraman ke....muahaha

Sian la pulak kena tinggal kat kampung tapi as I said before, it was their choices not mine. I would rather they said otherwise tapi tinggal kat rumah mak cuti panjang-panjang pon nak buat apa seharian. Baik tinggal dengan tok je...more freedom for them to do anything to occupy themselves 24 hours a day. Teringin jugak nak hantar ke kem cuti sekolah tapi dengan keadaan diri macam ni macam tak sempat nak fikir benda lain or just memang malas nak fikir sebab badan penat dan sakit-sakit je selalu...huhu #alasan.

Hope time flies fast so I can get to see them ASAP but at the same time I don't want this school break to be over so soon because the traffic will usually be smoother during this school holiday and also no more morning and evening dramas with the kids.

But, for the moment, ummi and abah will enjoy our "honeymoon" while it lasts because there will be a lot of dramas coming our way starting March next year :)

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